7 portuguese applications were submitted to the EUCF with AdEPorto as the national country expert


The 5th call to the European City Facility (EUCF) finished on June 30th 2023 and 7 application were submitted from Portugal. Porto Energy Agency – AdEPorto is the country expert of this call, providing information and support in the application process.

This project pretends to support municipalities and local authorities in the development of sustainable energies and energetic efficiency projects. At the moment, in the context of this programme, EUCF supported already 21 Portuguese cities, where 4 of these – Maia, Matosinhos, Porto and Valongo – are associated municipalities of AdEPorto.

The submitted applications in the 5th Call are under evaluation, with an expected duration of two months, starting on June 30th, on the basis of four criteria: Dimension of the investment project proposed; Governance structure; Interaction strategy of stakeholders; Coherency and plausibility. After this time and after a strict evaluation of all applications, the results are communicated via e-mail to the participants. The applications with higher score are selected as beneficiaries to receive financial support from EUCF for the development of an investment concept, through a lump sum of 60 000 euros. This support is provided in two different stages: 65% at the moment the Grant Agreement enters into force and 35% after validation of the investment concept, in the case it meets the quality criteria expected. The non approved applicants can submit new application in future calls of the EUCF.

The support provided by the EUCF is much more than just the lump sum and also includes capacitation, matchmaking (partnership establishment) and suitable financing tools, contributing in a relevant manner to obtain public or private financing.